What’s UberPool? The Benefits Of Using It



Uberpool” otherwise known as Uber Carpool, not to be confused with Uber Express was put out on the market by Uber. It began in 2014 in San Francisco, Uber’s hub city, and the place where Uber began. So this is not a new idea and has been rolled out across more than 50 cities around the world since then.

Uber pool is Uber’s carpooling service that allows you to share your Uber ride with other riders. Lyft has a similar service called Lyft Line. Uberpool matches riders up with other riders heading the same direction and who are being picked up near the same pickup area or somewhere in line along the direct route.

How Does UberPool Work for Riders?

Uber’s carpooling service, UberPool, and Lyft’s comparable service, Lyft Line, are gaining popularity among drivers and riders. But maybe you haven’t quite figured this whole thing out yet and have questions. Have no fear, we’re here to answer your questions and let you know exactly how you can take advantage of these services if you so choose.

You now have the option of requesting a shared ride using the UberPool service (if it’s available in your city) for a discounted rate. This discount is anywhere from 20 to 60% less than a regular ride, depending on surge. There is a limit of 2 riders.


How Many Riders Are Allowed On Uber Pool?

One pickup can include two people, the rider and one friend. Each Uber Pool fare can only include 2 people. Uber pool can only have the maximum seats available in your vehicle being used at any one time. In other words if you have an empty seat available a new Uber Pool rider can hop in for a new fare share. Allowing you to make much more money provided your seats are semi-full.


Will Surge Pricing Still Apply To Uberpool?

Yes, Uberpool service is calculated using UberX pricing with discounts. The Uber surge pricing rules that get added to the first rider get added to secondary riders, too. An Uberpool fare will always save a rider money over what it would have cost them normally under Uber X. As a driver you may also make more than you might have with just one Uber X passenger. During busy times the math may favor you taking only your preferred Uber Class fares. (Uber XL, Uber SUV, Select, etc).


Is Uber Pool Price Per Person?

Uber Pool and Lyft Line carpool services both allow fares to request a seat for up to 2 people. The second person costs a slight fee. Riders will pay one fare as well as be charged an additional $1-$2 for your second passenger.


Can You Uber Pool With Luggage?

Yes, a passenger can certainly Uber Pool with luggage. Keep in mind however you could run into issues. If the driver’s car is full of luggage already you may need to order your own Uber. Ordering your own Uber will avoid these issues. Another option is to order a pool and text the driver if he has space for luggage still and explain the luggage you will be bringing. Remember in crowded cities a driver can’t predict what may happen.


Can A Passenger Still Change The Pickup Location Or Destination?

Once an Uberpool trip has started, changing the destination or pickup locations is not possible. The reason being is Uber Pool app must use original pickup and drop-off locations to match to other riders heading towards the same destination. If your passenger requests a destination change, you have the right to cancel the trip.


Where Is Uber Pool Available?, What Cities Have Uber Pool?

Uber Pool is only available within certain geo-fenced areas of major cities where population density is high enough for it to be a useful service. These cities and geo areas change as Uber sees a need to add a geo area.


How Does UberPool Work for Drivers

You will receive a flat pickup add-on fare for every stop you make after your first pickup. Your trip will be very much the same as any other Uber trip, but there may be several pickups and drop-offs along the route. The Uber app will always look for additional riders to pickup along any route you are on as long as you have your Uber app set to pickup Uber X/ Uberpool.


Does Uber Pool Pay More? Or Do Uber Drivers Get Paid Less For Pool?

You will receive a flat pickup add-on fare for every stop you make after your first pickup. Your trip will be very much the same as any other Uber trip, but there may be several pickups and drop-offs along the route. The Uber app will always look for additional riders to pickup along any route you are on as long as you have your Uber app set to pickup Uber X/ Uberpool.

As an Uber driver, you will or have undoubtedly asked if you can make more money driving Uber Pools than your normal Uber X or Uber XL or Uber Suv fare. The answer is no, Uber Pool will not pay you more most of the time. Discount varies according to city and time you take the fare. Carpool fares have been reported to generally earn between 25-40% less than normal Uber X fares.

Keep in mind a tip for making more earnings with Uber X, most of the time you will make more money accepting these types of trips. This is just due to the fact that you will stay busy constantly if you make yourself available to all types of fares. Would you rather stay busy and make $100 in a shorter amount of time or would you rather make the same amount taking fewer fares but waiting longer?

This is what you are up against being an Uber Driver. Time vs. Money vs. Capital (your car). Please check out our article on How to Estimate Capital Expenses When Driving Rideshare – Your Time Vs. Your Money

The answer to that is not always the same for each trip when you will have multi passengers even though pool costs 35-40% less obviously multiple pool fares will net you more than one Uber passenger of any kind. However, these types of scenarios will only really apply in super busy cities.

In most cases, it is best to think about your driving from the most money the fastest point of view…. or from the same money slower point of view (with less car driving). Try both in your city for a few weeks and see which works best for you.

Major Driver Tip: Uber rewards drivers who drive more fares of all kinds and rightly so right? They need to have you available as much as possible as a resource. This is what allows Uber to provide their 24/7 all car services to the world. One example is when you are available to pick up people all over town you may get a trip to the airport. Uber will then give you priority to pick up another passenger leaving the airport over drivers who sit in the cue line of the airport waiting for outbounds.


How Long Will You Wait For A Secondary Uber Pool Pickup?

Drivers can only wait for up to two minutes for additional riders with Uber Pool.


Can Uber Drivers Turn Off Uberpool?, How Do I Stop Uber Pool Requests?, Can I Opt Out Of Uberpool?

Yes you can opt out of UberX and Uber Pool as per the app options themselves, but If you are an Uber X driver you will have to allow pool rides as well as X. Other drivers who are not Uber X can choose to opt out of Uber Pool they also will not receive Uber X trips as UberX/Uber Pool is now one toggle option in the app.


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Ridesharing It - Ridesharing Help For Riders & Drivers

What’s UberPool? The Benefits Of Using It posted first on https://ridesharingit.blogspot.com


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